Welcome to our website
Christian Social Service Center, Inc. exists as a social ministry focused on sharing God’s compassion to people who are experiencing crises. Through direct service and education, we seek to promote self-esteem and self-sufficiency for the residents of Bath and Menifee Counties.
Sr. Kathleen Mulchrone, a Glenmary Sister, moved to Owingsville in 1987. In the spirit of Mathew’s gospel, she reached out to the disadvantaged, often from her home, to provide families with basic necessities. Sr. Mulchrone founded the Christian Social Service Center, Inc., in 1989, with the assistance of several local volunteers.
Since the Center opened, thousands of Bath and Menifee County families in need have received both spiritual support and financial assistance. In 1992, the local community undertook the administration of the Center. In 1995, a local Advisory Committee was created, and in 1996, the Board of Directors was formed to govern the Center. Since February 4, 1997, the Christian Social Service Center has operated under its own tax-exempt designation.
The Center was established to assist individuals and families who “fall through the cracks” of available government and private assistance programs. The Center strives to form partnerships with individuals and groups who share in the goals of caring for families with immediate needs and empowering them to meet their future needs. The Christian Social Service Center, Inc. provides several programs including 1) budgeting, individualized problem solving, advocacy, and on-site job skills training to promote family self-sufficiency: 2) emergency food pantry; 3) clothing; 4) fire disaster assistance; 5) homeless prevention (rent, mortgage and utilities assistance 6) School program; 7) Thanksgiving and Christmas programs.
In Fiscal Year 2022.2023 the Center assisted 6,750 individuals through our various programs.
In February 2023 the Center's building burned and with the generous support from financial donations, fundraisers held through the community and in-kind for building uses, such as the Owingsville Methodist Church, St. Julie Catholic Church, Owingsville First Church of God and Bath County Agriculture Center the Center has been able to continue with their mission of assisting many needs in the community.
We truly appreciate all that has been afforded to our mission.